Your Insurance Company

123 Anystreet
Anytown, FL 34567
(800) 888-1234

Client: John & Mary Victim    
Home: 123 Hurricane Hill
Anytown, FL 34567
Operator Info:
Type of Estimate:

Price List:

Main Level
Room: Roof

Emergency roof tarping  1.00 EA 
875.00 * 
875 0 875
Tear off composition shingles  51.26 SQ  26.79 1,373.26 0 1,373.26
Spot repair roof decking - minimum  1.00 EA  141.67 141.67 0 141.67
Re-nail roof decking (meet current  51.26 SQ  25.64 1,314.31 0 1,314.31
Roofing felt - 30#  51.26 SQ  19.2 984.19 0 984.19
Laminated - 40 year - comp. shingle  61.51 SQ  159.87 9,833.60 0 9,833.60
roofing - w/out felt 
Ridge cap - composition shingles  382.00 LF  2.4 916.8 0 916.8
Additional charge for steep roof  51.26 SQ  23.68 1,213.84 0 1,213.84
Additional charge for high roof (2  51.26 SQ  17.21 882.18 0 882.18
stories or greater) 
Caulk (double bead) eave/rake edges  531.00 LF  0.57 302.67 0 302.67
(current wind code) 
Drip edge  531.00 LF  1.87 992.97 0 992.97
Step flashing  84.00 LF  3.79 318.36 0 318.36
Valley metal  119.00 LF  3.74 445.06 0 445.06
Replace chimney flashing  1.00 EA  201.94 201.94 0 201.94
Continuous ridge vent - shingle over  92.00 LF  5.31 488.52 0 488.52
Replace roof vent - turbine type  3.00 EA  57.3 171.9 0 171.9
Roof vent cap - galvanized  3.00 EA  33.69 101.07 0 101.07
Power attic vent - roof mount  2.00 EA  188.67 377.34 0 377.34
Replace flashing - pipe jack - 1.5 " 2.00 EA  20.17 40.34 0 40.34
Replace flashing - pipe jack - 2 " 3.00 EA  20.17 60.51 0 60.51
Replace flashing - pipe jack - 3 " 1.00 EA  25.17 25.17 0 25.17
Replace flashing - pipe jack - 4 " 1.00 EA  25.17 25.17 0 25.17
Replace roof vent - insulated double  2.00 EA  126.34 252.68 0 252.68
wall (furnace or water heater) - incl. 
re-align in attic 
Prime & paint roof jack / vent  17.00 EA  16.99 288.83 0 288.83
Satellite dish - detach, reset & re-align  1.00 EA  87.12 87.12 0 87.12
StatCounter - Free Web Tracker and Counter
Solar panel (roof mount) - per unit - 2.00 EA  189.26 378.52 0 378.52
detach & reset 
Rain diverter strip - detach & reset  1.00 EA  21.45 21.45 0 21.45
Protect delicate / valuable flowerbed  620.00 SF  0.78 483.6 0 483.6
or shrubs (plywood over sawhorses) 
Cover/protect swimming pool (tarps  375.00 SF  0.76 285 0 285
over dimensional lumber) 
Dumpster load  1.00 EA  498.04 498.04 0 498.04
Permit*  1.00 EA  135.00 *  135 0 135

Room Totals: Roof 






Room:  Kitchen 

    LxWxH 20'0 x 18'0" x 10'0" "
622.67 SF Walls  360.00 SF Ceiling   
982.67 SF Walls & Ceiling  360.00 SF Floor 
40.00 SY Flooring  68.00 LF Floor Perimeter 
200.00 SF Long Wall  180.00 SF Short Wall 
76.00 LF Ceil. Perimeter 
Missing Wall:  1 -5'0 X 6'8" " Opens into E  Goes to Floor 
Missing Wall:  1 -3'0 X 6'8" " Opens into E  Goes to Floor 
Missing Wall:  3 -3'0 X 4'0" " Opens into E  Goes to neither Floor/Ceiling 
Missing Wall:  1 -5'0 X 6'0" " Opens into E  Goes to neither Floor/Ceiling 
Missing Wall:  2 -3'0 X 3'0" " Opens into E  Goes to neither Floor/Ceiling 


Remove tile floor covering  360.00 SF  1.86 669.6 0 669.6
Additional labor to remove tile from  360.00 SF  1.34 482.4 0 482.4
concrete slab 
Install mortar bed for tile floor  360.00 SF  3.24 1,166.40 0 1,166.40
Replace tile floor covering  414.00 SF  12.68 5,249.52 0 5,249.52
Clean tile floor covering (after  360.00 SF  0.33 118.8 0 118.8
Remove wall insulation - batt - 4 " 272.00 SF  0.17 46.24 0 46.24
Replace wall insulation - batt - 4 " 272.00 SF  0.86 233.92 0 233.92
Remove 1/2 drywall - wall " 272.00 SF  0.39 106.08 0 106.08
Replace 1/2 drywall wall " 312.80 SF  1.7 531.76 0 531.76
Scrape textured drywall - wall  408.00 SF  0.73 297.84 0 297.84
Texture drywall - wall  622.67 SF  0.68 423.42 0 423.42
Seal / prime the walls  622.67 SF  0.37 230.39 0 230.39
Paint the walls  622.67 SF  0.64 398.51 0 398.51
Remove baseboard  68.00 LF  0.38 25.84 0 25.84
Replace baseboard  78.20 LF  1.6 125.12 0 125.12
Paint / stain baseboard  68.00 LF  0.97 65.96 0 65.96
Remove & replace door / window  2.00 EA  36.22 72.44 0 72.44
Paint / stain door / window trim  2.00 EA  16.83 33.66 0 33.66
Paint / stain door slab only  2.00 EA  15.13 30.26 0 30.26
Remove & replace window sill  20.00 LF  2.18 43.6 0 43.6
Paint / stain window sill  20.00 LF  1.37 27.4 0 27.4
Remove & replace window apron  20.00 LF  1.84 36.8 0 36.8
Paint / stain window apron  20.00 LF  1.2 24 0 24
Remove crown molding  76.00 LF  0.47 35.72 0 35.72
Replace crown molding  87.40 LF  4.27 373.2 0 373.2
Paint / stain crown molding  76.00 LF  1.87 142.12 0 142.12
Mask & prep for paint  228.00 LF  0.71 161.88 0 161.88
Door stop - wall or floor mounted - 2.00 EA  4.07 8.14 0 8.14
detach & reset 
Heat/AC register - detach & reset  2.00 EA  7.82 15.64 0 15.64
Light fixture - detach & reset  1.00 EA  25.27 25.27 0 25.27
Outlet or switch - detach & reset  12.00 EA  7.43 89.16 0 89.16
Window blinds - horizontal or vertical  6.00 EA  22.08 132.48 0 132.48
Window drapery - hardware - detach  6.00 EA  23.11 138.66 0 138.66
& reset 
Cooktop / Range - detach & reset  1.00 EA  74.49 74.49 0 74.49
Built-in oven - detach & reset  1.00 EA  96.39 96.39 0 96.39
Remove & replace lower cabinetry  18.00 LF  251.32 4,523.76 0 4,523.76
Stain & finish cabinetry -lower - 18.00 LF  28.91 520.38 0 520.38
inside & out 
Remove & replace lower cabinetry - 6.00 LF  290.46 1,742.76 0 1,742.76
island or overized 
Stain & finish cabinetry -lower - 6.00 LF  34.35 206.1 0 206.1
island or oversized - inside & out 
Add for lazy susan  1.00 EA  59.36 59.36 0 59.36
Remove & replace upper cabinetry  23.00 LF  198.44 4,564.12 0 4,564.12
Stain & finish cabinetry -upper - 23.00 LF  25.21 579.83 0 579.83
inside & out 
Add for frosted/etched or beveled  5.00 EA  62.05 310.25 0 310.25
glass - per cabinet door 
Remove & replace full height  2.50 LF  311.1 777.75 0 777.75
Stain & finish cabinetry - full height - 2.50 LF  35.11 87.78 0 87.78
inside & out 
Add for cabinetry crown molding  25.50 LF  4.03 102.77 0 102.77
Paint / stain cabinetry crown molding  25.50 LF  1.2 30.6 0 30.6
Add for cabinetry side or back panels  32.00 SF  14.83 474.56 0 474.56
Stain & finish cabinetry side or back  32.00 SF  3.41 109.12 0 109.12
Remove & replace cabinet valance  3.00 LF  28.13 84.39 0 84.39
Paint / stain cabinet valance  3.00 LF  3.86 11.58 0 11.58
Remove & replace countertops - 18.00 LF  48.27 868.86 0 868.86
plastic laminate 
Remove & replace countertops - 6.00 LF  58.95 353.7 0 353.7
plastic laminate (oversized) 
Add for mitered corner (countertop)  2.00 EA  47.3 94.6 0 94.6
Remove & replace backsplash - tile  27.00 SF  19.62 529.74 0 529.74
Remove & replace window sill - tile  3.00 LF  9.47 28.41 0 28.41
Sink (double) - detach & reset  1.00 EA  52.92 52.92 0 52.92
Remove & replace P-trap assembly - 1.00 EA  29.28 29.28 0 29.28
ABS (plastic) 
Sink faucet - detach & reset  1.00 EA  38.07 38.07 0 38.07
Dishwasher - detach & reset  1.00 EA  98.12 98.12 0 98.12
Garbage disposer - detach & reset  1.00 EA  67.55 67.55 0 67.55
Microwave oven - over range type - 1.00 EA  82.11 82.11 0 82.11
detach & reset 
Refrigerator - detach & reset  1.00 EA  27.32 27.32 0 27.32
Refrigerator water line - disconnect &  1.00 EA  31.2 31.2 0 31.2

Room Totals: Kitchen      28,220.10 0 28,220.10

Area Items Total: Main Level    
Line Item Totals: EXAMPLECLAIM  

Grand Total Areas:

SF Walls 
3,622.73 SF Ceiling 
SF Walls and Ceiling 
SF Floor 
SY Flooring 
LF Floor Perimeter 
SF Long Wall 
SF Short Wall 
LF Ceil. Perimeter 
Floor Area 
Total Area 
Interior Wall Area 
Exterior Wall Area 
Exterior Perimeter of 
Surface Area 
Number of Squares 
Total Perimeter Length 
Total Ridge Length 
Total Hip Length 

Summary for Hurricane
Line Item Total  51,736.21
Material Sales Tax 
25,643.81 2115.61

Subtotal          53,851.82
53,851.82 5,385.18
59,237.00 5,923.70

Replacement Cost Value  65,160.70
Net Claim  65,160.70

Main Level Floor Plan

Second Story

Roof Dimensions










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